Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Brushing up against Greatness

Brushing up against


Is better than the real thing.

Because how dull would it be

To always be the

Most beautiful

Most talented

Most desired

When to reach out and touch it

Now and again

When we feel like we’ve done our best

Or we notice that our best is

Good enough.

Failure and mediocrity

Have their place.


That lofty Perfection that we

Experience from time to time




Our dearly departed

“We talk to her…she’s right there with us”:

And then, a nod, an affirmation. Who gave us this?

It’s not clear in my dream.

Is it God? Is it her?

We bask in its significance

We realize it is the


So, back to dreams:

Are they a jumbled mess of our subconscious musings?

Are they messages from God?

Are they both?

Maybe, just maybe…

It’s a choice.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Turn off Vanity

Flip it off, like a switch

That you’ve come to realize

Is left On

Much too often.


Brush your hair

Dress in fine clothes

As is your manner

Don’t leave these things

Behind, but

After they’re done

Put them in the corner

Of your mind.


Leave room for more important


Like: an embrace for a friend

A smile that can light up a face

Warm feelings


And heartfelt


With turning off Vanity,

You’ve left more room for
