Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Meadowlark Story Society assignment: "What my desk thinks about at night"

It's warm in here. These people don't air-condition my home base, and the computer keeps things toasty. A tad too warm, for my taste. I can just make out the moon through the blinds, and it illuminates a possum crossing the yard. This particular possum always crosses around 11:30 pm, waddling past the wild ginger in search of ticks to eat.

Around 4:00 am, the birds start up. Singing away the cobwebs of the night, ready for another day.

Ah, nature. I haven't really touched on the life inside the window, mostly because it scares the hell out of me. Next to the wastebasket is a little hole in the wood. Unbeknownst to these people, a mouse sneaks in and roots around a bit before heading back outside. Come winter, though, he'll be here for good, possibly chewing on the computer and light cords. Yikes. If only these people had a cat.

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